
Another year gone by and, as I do every year on this day, I read through the guestbook and remember.  So many wonderful memories from friends and family that remind me of how thankful and blessed I am to have had a mother that was so loving and special to so many people.  When I was young I thought that my mother’s whole purpose was to be my mom – that is how she made me feel.  When I’d leave for school my mom was at the window to smile and wave me on.  I don’t think I could have gotten through the day without that – that last glimpse of her motherly face affected me like sunshine.  And after we were grown, as we left after a visit, she would always be there at the door or window to wave and smile as we left.  You don’t understand what it is to be a mother until you become a mother yourself.  Elizabeth Elliot said: “The process of shaping the child … shapes also the mother herself. Reverence for her sacred burden calls her to all that is pure and good, that she may teach primarily by her own humble, daily example.”  The memory of my mother will always be a blessing to me.  I loved her dearly.

These are some postcards Mom made just before her stroke in 2002 - she was taking a watercolor class at Sun City.  The first one is my niece Andrea...

and my favorite Norwegian lullaby from Mom:

"I see the moon and the moon sees me.
The moon sees somebody I'd like to see.
God bless the moon and God bless me.
God bless the somebody I'd like to see.

Over the mountains, over the sea,
Somebody there is waiting for me.
God bless the moon and God bless me.
God bless the one I love."

to read mom's online guestbook go to